August 12

Nehemiah 3:15-5:13; 1 Corinthians 7:25-40; Psalm 32:1-11; Proverbs 21:5-7

We can easily believe that our circumstances are up to us. Any failure finds us to blame, while any victory leaves us to get all the credit. As we continue the story of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the walls, we learn that we can play an important role, but God is the critical component. To live as a practical atheist, where we are the only actor in our story, is to miss what life is all about, which is God.

As Nehemiah and the exiles rebuild the walls notice how they did it. They “prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night.” They did what they could (post a guard) but ultimately recognized that God was the one who was going to have to operate on their behalf. We can see this same principle in 4:14. Nehemiah tells the people to not “be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight.” If they are attacked, they will have to fight the battle but God will be with them. Verse 20 is even more emphatic when Nehemiah tells the people that “God will fight for us.” They have a part to play but so does God.
We also in life need to play our part but rely on God through everything. We need to work hard but trust God to provide. We need to share our faith but trust God to save people. We need to plan our course but know that the Lord will determine our steps.

Father God, give me wisdom to do what you have called me to while also trusting you through every circumstance of life. May my life have you at the center and pursue your glory in everything. Amen.

Question of the day: Where are you tempted to rely solely on yourself and leave God out of the equation? Where are you failing to do your part but instead thinking that God is going to do what you are supposed to do?

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