March 4

Numbers 16:1-18:32

Contentment. We live in a culture that seeks to breed discontentment with our stuff, with ourselves, and even with our spouses/families. The lie that somehow our lives would be better if our circumstances changed has been around forever. In our passage today we read about the Kohathites led by Korah who were assigned the role of carrying the tabernacle from camp to camp. They looked at the role that Aaron had and decided it was unfair that they could not offer the sacrifices and function as priests. They grew discontented with their calling.

Like the Kohathites we have also been given a calling from God. We have been given a function to play within the church and should be satisfied with the role God has given us. We should not seek to be like others; instead we pursue to become the most Christ-like version of us we can be. Be thankful for where God has placed you, serve where you are, and do so with joy. Grumbling, complaining, and discontentment will only erode our intimacy with God and the joy and peace he wants us to experience. So stop looking around and look to God for the contentment he alone offers.

Father God, thank you for where you have placed me with the gifts you have given me. Help me to use all that you have given to me to serve others. May I be content knowing you are all I truly need. Amen.

What breeds discontentment in your life and how can you move towards greater contentment?

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