February 28

Numbers 4:1-5:31

I'm sorry. This short statement is one of the important phrases for us to learn; the ability to apologize. We constantly wrong people in word and deed, so it is essential that we learn to ask for forgiveness. This involves admitting a wrong and asking that our wrong be covered. In Numbers 5:5, we are reminded that ultimately all our sin is against God. When we wrong another, we have been unfaithful to God and are guilty.

As we learn to ask forgiveness of others, we also need to learn to ask forgiveness from God. It is humbling to tell your kids, spouse, or a friend that you are sorry for some‐ thing you have done against them; but it is necessary for healthy relationships. Confession is necessary with our human relationships and with God. It keeps us in a humble posture and breaks down the division, bitterness, and hatred that so easily divides. The more we confess to God and understand the extent of our sin, the more immense God's grace and love becomes. Therefore, let us learn to continually be asking forgiveness from others and especially from God.

Father God, I confess my sins before you. I confess I continually make life about me instead of you and do what is right in my own eyes rather than yours. Thank you for your forgiveness when I continually fall short. Help me to walk in greater obedience today. Amen.

How well do you ask for forgiveness from God and others?

1 Comment

Linda - February 28th, 2025 at 5:12am

I think it's so easy to be blind-sighted to our mistakes and the times we hurt or offend someone. We need the help of the Holy Spirit to reveal those sins to us. However, one of the most powerful tools we have is the ability to ask a person if/how we may have hurt, offend, disrespected or made him/her feel bad. When we say I'm sorry we need to be specific about the confession of our sin.


nWe will constantly get hurt and hurt others so forgivemess is essential to life like the oxygen we breathe but sometimes forgiving and saying I'm sorry can feel like swallowing a rock (of pride). However, the more we make it a habit the easier it becomes to do quickly so that our walk with God is not hinder.


nThank you God for this nudging and correction today. Please help us to say I'm sorry well and to forgive well. In Jesus' name, the name of the one who forgives us continuously, Amen.