Missions & Outreach

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

The missions program of our church is overseen by the Missions Team which exists to connect the CPCC family with the world through global missions. We seek to accomplish this by promoting an awareness of missions, fostering participation in missions, and overseeing missions-related activities in the church.

Expand the sections below to learn more about the missionaries Center Point supports financially.
Andy and Sylvia Grosh - Wycliffe Bible Translators, Papua New Guinea
Andy and Sylvia Grosh are Bible Translators who have worked in Papua New Guinea for more than 30 years. Their primary work has been among the Kaluli people, who live in the remote tropical rainforest. There are currently about 5,000 Kaluli people, living in 25 separate villages.  They have worked with them for many years, initially to learn the language, develop their alphabet and grammar, teach them to read and write, and eventually to work with them translating Scripture. They recently published the entire New Testament, together with Genesis and Ruth. Along with the print copies of these books, they also produced an audio recording to distribute on solar-powered MP3 players, and developed a video of the Gospel of Mark in the Kaluli language. They are excited that God's Words will now be available in multiple formats. Pray with them that God's Word will have a transforming impact on the lives of the individuals and communities.

Contact Andy and Sylvia to request a newsletter at: andy_grosh@wycliffe.org, or through their website: www.wycliffe.org/partner/grosh
Claire Yerkey - Navigators - San Juan, Puerto Rico
Claire was involved in Navigators as a college student at the University of Illinois where she developed a heart for sharing the gospel with unbelievers. Claire felt led to Latin America, and now serves in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Claire and her team of three are pioneering college/young adult ministries in this capital city. They are seeking to share the gospel, form relationships with the students, and develop a culture of life-to-life discipleship. Their mission is to make Puerto Rican disciples of Jesus who will make other Puerto Rican disciples. Claire has worked in Puerto Rico for just over 3 years with Navigators.

1 Thessalonians 2:8 (Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well) shapes her vision for serving and gives definition to her ministry.
Jacob and Autumn Fruchtman - Jews for Jesus, NYC
Jacob was raised in a Messianic Christian home by Jewish parents. Jacob has always embraced his Jewish identity, but believing in Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah ultimately shapes his identity. Jacob serves in the New York City branch of Jews for Jesus doing public outreach in the greater NYC area. He holds a caseload of unbelieving Jewish and Jewish believers who are actively seeking to take their next best step to follow Yeshua. He is also on the project teams of the Moshava Coffee shop and Moshava Art gallery helping create events that will help Jewish people come and see who the Messianic community is and to share the gospel with new seekers. Most currently, he has become head of the college ministry student fellowship program discipling Jewish believing students nationally. Autumn serves alongside the Jesus Film project as a social media manager with CRU. Jacob: "Eden is our new Kindergarten student enjoying NYC in all God has for her. We are honored and blessed to serve the Lord, the Jewish people, and your church. Thank you for making this possible."

To learn more: https://bit.ly/JacobFruchtmanstaffpage.
Jilanne German - Resonate, Uganda
Jilanne German is a Partner Missionary with Resonate Global Mission. Jilanne is teaching at Kampala Evangelical School of Theology (KEST) in Kampala, Uganda. KEST’s mission is “to prepare and equip men and women for effective ministry and service in Church and in Society.” One of the most pressing issues for the church in Uganda is the lack of theological training among pastors and church leaders. Over 70% of the pastors in Uganda have received no formal theological education. This knowledge gap can lead to a lack of understanding and misinterpretation of scripture, which can have serious consequences for the church and its followers. Jilanne is grateful for the opportunity to play a strategic role in equipping pastors to serve the church in Uganda.

Jilanne moved to Kampala in September, 2023. In addition to teaching and meeting many, many wonderful people, she has enjoyed learning a number of new things since coming to Uganda including,  but not limited to: crossing the street in Kampala without dying, riding a boda-boda (in a skirt), and washing laundry in a bucket.

For more information about Jilanne’s ministry go to: https://www.resonateglobalmission.org/missionaries/jilanne-german.
Juan Ortega and Anna Romeu - GEM, Spain
Juan and Anna accepted Christ as their Savior as children when they heard someone explain the gospel on the streets of their city. In October of 2021, Anna began her ministry as the Director of Camp L’Arcada and Juan as the Assistant Director. They had already served at the camp as volunteers for 20 years. Camp L’Arcada is located in the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains in Spain’s northeastern province of Girona. Because less than one percent of Spain’s 47 million are evangelical believers, 60-70% of the campers come from non-Christian homes and have never heard the gospel message. For that reason, the camp’s primary goal is evangelism. The second is the discipleship of the volunteers who help run the camps in order to make them more effective in their ministry. A third goal is helping to build up the local churches. Many of these volunteers have become leaders in the churches of Spain. In the words of Juan and Anna: “What an awesome opportunity God has given us!”

To learn more about Camp L’Arcada go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfNBxE4Ggg4, or https://gemission.org/donatemissionary/58756-director-of-larcada-camp.
Keith and Linda Spence - Cru, Atlanta
Keith and Linda Spence have served with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) for almost four decades. They served as missionaries in China from 1986 until 2007. Since 2007, Keith and Linda have helped to coordinate spiritual formation, leadership development, team development and staff care on behalf of Campus Crusade's more than 12,000 staff serving globally in 165 countries.

Contact Keith and Linda through email: Keith.spence@cru.org; Linda.spence@cru.org.
Launa Clough - Samaritan's Purse, Togo
Launa Clough is a surgeon serving in Togo, West Africa. She has many ministry opportunities every day, and gets to share the love of Christ with numerous patients and their families.  Launa’s patients are often very sick or even terminal. Her heart is to share the gospel, assure those she serves that they are valued and loved by God, as well as provide excellent medical care. Launa is also a professor (attending surgeon) for a new surgical residency which just started through the Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS).

For more information about Launa check out her blog: www.togowithlauna.com.
Nate and Danielle Chaney - Tirana, Albania
Nate and Danielle Chaney are currently serving in Tirana, Albania with their 3 boys (Timothy, Andrew, and Matthew). They relocated after serving in Dakar, Senegal for 4 years, and have started learning the Albanian language to help with church planting among the Albanian and Roma people. As they learn the language, they are volunteering with other ongoing ministries in Albania and praying for God's direction for their service in Albania.

To learn more about their work, email Nate and Danielle at: ndchaney78@gmail.com or see the Christar website: www.christar.org.
Paul and Karan Davis - TEAM, France
Paul and Karan Davis work with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) in the Rhone-Alps region of France. In 2010, after planting multiple churches in France, they moved to the city of Pontcharra, strategically located between the Winter Olympic cities of Grenoble (1968) and Albertville (1992) to start the first evangelical church in a valley of 80,000 people. Since 2020 Paul and Karan have been mentoring church-planters and church-planting projects (including two projects in Italy), and are actively engaged in serving the Evangelical Church in Albertville.

To find out more, email Paul and Karan at: paulkarandavis@gmail.com or visit their website: www.team.org.   
Ryan and Amy Green - TEAM, Thailand
Ryan and Amy live in Korat, Thailand (where the population is more than 90% Buddhist). They are managing a Christian-based community center (and teaching English there). Amy has also taken a part-time teaching position at a local middle and high school. Their goal is to establish relationships and open doors for communicating the gospel. Ryan and Amy are actively involved in a local Thai church where Ryan has a mentoring role with the pastor.

You can contact Ryan directly at: ryan.green@team.org with questions and/or to request a newsletter.
Stan Wallace - Global Scholars, Kansas City
Global Scholars’ vision is that one day every student, college, university, and discipline will have Christian professors who communicate the truth, goodness, and beauty of Christ in the power of the Spirit as they serve Christ in global higher education. Global Scholars professors share the Gospel and mentor young men and women in many ways: bringing biblical truth into the classroom, discipling students, leading home Bible studies, and having informal movie nights for discussions of biblically-themed films. As president, Stan is personally involved with the placement and member care of these individuals while they serve.

To learn more about this strategic ministry, email Stan at: swallace@global-scholars.org, or visit the Global Scholars website: www.global-scholars.org
Agunda Ministry - Kenya
Agunda Ministry nurtures and cares for vulnerable orphans and widows in western Kenya to break cycles of poverty and bring about sustainable positive change within the community. The ministry is overseen by Jennifer Hogue (of Naples, Florida) and Hilary and Elizabeth Agunda of Kenya.

"For the last seven years our primary focus has been a Christ-centered, family style orphanage. Family style orphan care is a newer yet proven method being used around the world to be more effective in life change than institutional orphan care. Therefore, at the heart of our ministry is the family structure. We believe that when orphaned and vulnerable children are placed in a loving family environment, with a mom and dad and siblings who love them, the children find a place they call home. In that space they thrive both physically and spiritually, and are growing into adults who live wholeheartedly for the Lord Jesus!  In recent years we have befriended several widows in the community and found that the same approach of coming along side of them as a family has an extremely positive impact on the lives of women who are hopeless and feel forgotten by God in their later years. This has expanded our ministry to reach both orphans and widows and we are seeing God glorified as the lives of these children and women are redeemed and restored."

To find out more, visit their website: https://www.agundachildrenshome.com or contact Jennifer at: AGUNDAFOUNDATION@gmail.com or jenniferhogue@hotmail.com
Awana’s Africa Child and School Initiative
Awana’s Africa Child & School Initiative continues to accelerate across sub-Saharan Africa. Awana is now providing weekly discipleship programming in 13 countries, reaching more than 800,000 kids across more than 2,600 schools. (Zimbabwe has opened the door for Awana to be introduced in its more than 7K schools.) Schools typically participate through a weekly assembly for all students; the training and Bible memory work then continues in the individual classrooms. Combined with Awana’s traditional local church partnership model, more than 3.2 million children are being discipled each week through Awana. The Africa Child & School Initiative transcends borders, cultures, and backgrounds. It is rooted in the unshakable belief that God's Word changes lives and can impact the history of an entire continent.

For more information or to sponsor a school for $650 go to: https://donate.awana.org/give/kids-reaching-kids-africa-schools/.

With an unwavering commitment to the gospel, Awana is being used to reach over 5 million kids every week in 134 countries, giving children and youth from every background an opportunity to know, love, and serve Jesus for a lifetime. 
Community Pregnancy Clinics - Naples, FL
Community Pregnancy Clinics is helping women and saving babies from abortion by providing care, compassion, and choices to women and families. Since 1974, CPCI has provided free and confidential services before, during, and after birth and has saved over 21,000 babies from abortion. What started as a volunteer initiative in Naples has expanded to the largest system of medical pregnancy centers in Florida with 5 medical clinics and two mobile medical clinics located throughout the state.

For more information: https://communitypregnancyclinic.com, or www.supportcpci.com.

You can also contact CPCI's Outreach Coordinator, Madison Campbell at: mcampbell@community4life.com with additional questions.
Grace Center Foundation - Ethiopia
Grace Center Foundation in Ethiopia was established in 2006 when Naples native, co-founder, and executive director Marcie Erickson adopted her first three children. As more people approached her to adopt children, a new vision unfolded – the creation of Grace Center. Initially starting with five foster children, Grace Center has grown to serve over 50,000 people annually, always striving to share God's love while addressing the needs of the community.

At Grace Center, we follow the principle of asking, "What would Jesus do for this person?" and then we act accordingly. We welcome each individual in genuine need and help them achieve the goals God has for them. Our dedication to assisting those in need has led to the creation of various programs, including feeding programs, a prison ministry, K-4th grade Grace Academy, a children’s home, after school care, infant day care, healing prayer and counseling, water outreach programs, and a baby rescue hotline.

Grace Center is on the brink of significant growth with major expansion opportunities.

First, the deputy mayor of Bahir Dar announced on television his commitment to allocate land in various city sections for Grace Center's new daycares. This expansion will greatly enhance our ability to support more women and children in need. We are nearing the completion of land acquisition in three areas.

Additionally, we have always envisioned Grace Center expanding beyond a single location in Ethiopia. In 2023, the city of Debre Marcos, with a population of over 300,000, welcomed us. Unlike in the US, property rights in Ethiopia require government land grants, which can take years. Remarkably, in Debre Marcos, we received land in under six months. Just as there were no programs in Bahir Dar before 2006, Debre Marcos now stands ready for its own transformation.

Lastly, Grace Center is exploring expansion into other areas of Africa. Grace Center’s wide array of initiatives are all rooted in sharing the boundless love of the Lord while meeting the diverse needs of each person.

Please visit: www.gracecenterfoundation.org for more information or contact us at info@gracecenterfoundation.org.

Grace Classical Academy (GCA) - Naples, FL
From Cadia Parks, Head of School:

“Our curriculum is Christ-centered, with a classical education style. It is developmentally appropriate for students: we introduce our youngest students to the world through facts and structures; as students grow, they begin to apply logic and reasoning, expanding their knowledge and ability to communicate it effectively. Engaging, hands-on lessons develop for long-life learning. We integrate history, literature, theology, language, math, and science so that students recognize the relationships of each component in the world, building a biblical worldview from the very beginning. Above all, God’s Word and wisdom permeate all that we do at GCA.”

Learn more about GCA’s classical style and curriculum maps at wearegca.com.
Helps Outreach - Naples, FL
Helps Outreach has a simple mission: to help the poor and the needy of Lee and Collier County by clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, and ministering to the hurting. They are a Christ-centered food bank that seeks to respond to needs in the community in ways that love the individual, share the gospel of the Lord Jesus, and glorify God.

Visit: helpsoutreach.org for more information.
Hosean International Ministries
Hosean International Ministries (HIM Haiti) is a ministry by Haitians, for Haitians. It began in 1984 by Haitian National Caleb Lucien with one purpose in mind: transform lives by pointing people to Jesus Christ through education, life skills training, and economic growth. Over the past 28 years, HIM Haiti has grown to a staff of 150 Haitians working together with international partnerships from America, Brazil, and Canada to bring hope and real help to the people of Haiti. They are currently doing this through a Christian school of over 1000 students, and by creating sustainable jobs in their community, as well as seeking to respond to needs throughout their country.

Their website is: https://hosean.org/.

Center Point has sent multiple work teams to support HIM projects in Pignon, Haiti.
International Cooperating Ministries (ICM)
International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) is focused on building churches, as well as providing in-depth biblical teaching to believers. Church buildings give Christians legitimacy in hostile cultures; Bible studies—produced in heart languages—transform believers into local evangelists. For more than 30 years, ICM has been using a cutting-edge strategy of partnering and leveraging to develop thriving churches in some of the world’s least-reached mission fields. Today, ICM has 292 active indigenous partnerships, and has built over 12,000 churches in 104 countries. Discipleship also remains a fundamental part of ICM's mission: A full 215-lesson curriculum called Foundations is now available in 66 languages across a variety of platforms. Through various outreach strategies, ICM has reached almost 13 million Scripture-engaged disciples, with a goal to engage 25 million disciples by the end of 2025.

For more information contact Burt Reed: burtreed75@gmail.com or see the ICM website: www.icm.org.
Mission India
India is one of the most unreached nations in the world. There are over a billion people who don’t know Christ—and 340 million people who have yet to hear the name of Jesus in a meaningful way, don’t have a church in their community, don’t own a Bible, and have never met a Christian. Believers may also be targeted for their faith in the Savior. Because of this great spiritual need, Mission India is committed to spreading the Gospel in India in three ways: by reaching children, empowering adults, and planting local churches. The Good News of Jesus is at the forefront of all of their programs, and Christ uses them to change people from the inside out!

To learn more about Mission India contact David C and request a ministry report: david.chak@missionindia.org.
Naples Christian Academy - Naples, FL
Naples Christian Academy's mission is to partner with Christian parents to develop students with hearts impassioned to love God, minds disciplined to think biblically, and hands prepared to serve. The Academy serves families with students in PreK3 through 8th grade, is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International as well as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and is recognized by the US Department of Education as a National Blue Ribbon School.

Visit: www.napleschristian.net for more information.
Sunlight Home - Naples, FL
Sunlight Home was founded in 1994 to help break the cycle of poverty and abuse of pregnant women and teens. Sunlight's mission is to provide a Christ-centered environment for pregnant women of all ages so they can be renewed through emotional and physical wholeness and spiritual training. This is accomplished through church attendance, Bible study, counseling, parenting, and childbirth classes, as well as through love and concern. Sunlight Home strives to help each mother understand that their unborn babies and their children are a precious gift from God. Young mothers from Sunlight Home are often in worship services at Center Point.

For more information: https://sunlighthome.org.
SW Florida FCA - Naples, FL
Since 1954, the vision of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has remained the same. Impact the world for Jesus Christ. When passion for sports and love for God converge in the determined spirits of Christian coaches and athletes, it can have a huge influence on our culture. The result: Christ is proclaimed and lives are changed.

"We believe this vision is big--too large for us. That is why we are relying on God to lead staff, volunteers, parents, churches, and businesses to rally together for the cause of Christ. And in 2011, it certainly happened. Through persistent prayers and generous support, God provided incredible opportunities to reach more coaches and students through Southwest Florida FCA. Yet there is still more to reach. We need people who care deeply for athletes and coaches. Who believe passionately in our vision. Who agree enthusiastically that the growing influence of sports can be used to reach the nation and the world for Jesus Christ. If you are one of those people, would you prayerfully consider joining the Southwest Florida FCA? We would be honored to count you as a member of our team."

To contact them call (239) 784-3377 or visit: www.swfloridafca.org.
Young Life Collier County - Naples, FL
Young Life’s mission is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. By focusing on what matters to high school students--fun, adventure, friendship, and a sense of significance--they earn the privilege of talking to the young people about something that matters most of all--the truth about Jesus and His great love for them. Currently, YLCC offers Wyldlife for middle schoolers; Young Life for high schoolers, and Capernaum, a ministry for special needs students. Besides school session meetings ("club"), the summer camp program, and its follow-up, leaders engage with students throughout the year.

Check out the website to see what may appeal to you in terms of awareness of activities or even the opportunity to be involved: https://naples.younglife.org.