March 7
Numbers 25:1-26:65
As we follow the Israelites and their journey toward the Promised Land, we have seen that with God on their side, there is nothing they should fear. God has promised them land, his presence, and victory. In essence, God is like a coach telling His people if they trust in him they will win. The things which keep the Israelites from experiencing these promises are not external enemies but internal issues. The Israelite spies failed to trust God could bring them victory and now we see the Israelites giving in to the temptations of idolatry and sexual immorality. Balaam could not curse them, but through their own sins, they forfeit opportunities God had for them.
Similarly, the church has external enemies but the only thing keeping us from experiencing abundant lives is ourselves. No matter how far our culture might drift from God, we are promised, "the gates of hell will not prevail against it (the church)" (Matthew 16:8). The greater concern, is not what the culture is doing, but what the church is not doing. If the church ceases to be salt, light, beacons of truth and grace, then it has failed. The global church will never fail but any individual expression might, if it ceases to make disciples. Rather than blaming the culture or external enemies for our shortcomings, we must confess our sin and pursue God.
Father God, help me not to give in to the temptations of the world but to be holy, as you are holy. Amen.
In what ways do you blame our culture rather than confessing your own sin and shortcomings?
As we follow the Israelites and their journey toward the Promised Land, we have seen that with God on their side, there is nothing they should fear. God has promised them land, his presence, and victory. In essence, God is like a coach telling His people if they trust in him they will win. The things which keep the Israelites from experiencing these promises are not external enemies but internal issues. The Israelite spies failed to trust God could bring them victory and now we see the Israelites giving in to the temptations of idolatry and sexual immorality. Balaam could not curse them, but through their own sins, they forfeit opportunities God had for them.
Similarly, the church has external enemies but the only thing keeping us from experiencing abundant lives is ourselves. No matter how far our culture might drift from God, we are promised, "the gates of hell will not prevail against it (the church)" (Matthew 16:8). The greater concern, is not what the culture is doing, but what the church is not doing. If the church ceases to be salt, light, beacons of truth and grace, then it has failed. The global church will never fail but any individual expression might, if it ceases to make disciples. Rather than blaming the culture or external enemies for our shortcomings, we must confess our sin and pursue God.
Father God, help me not to give in to the temptations of the world but to be holy, as you are holy. Amen.
In what ways do you blame our culture rather than confessing your own sin and shortcomings?
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