College & Young Adults

Looking to meet new friends and get to know others from our church? Our College and Young Adult groups are the perfect place to find like-minded, fun, and caring people in Naples.

College Group

The college-aged group (college and working adults age 18-24) is a great place to plug in during the summer or throughout the year. Billy and Liz Weed lead this group each Tuesday from 6:30-8:30pm in the Student Center located on the east side of the property (enter through the door with the string lights).

Please contact Billy for details prior to the meeting.
For more information/updates follow:
Facebook: Center Point College Group 

Young Adult Group

The group is open to all single* young adults post college aged (24-30). The group is held on Thursday evenings from 6:30-9:00pm in the Student Center located on the east side of the property (enter through the door with the string lights).

Please contact Hunter or Ella for details prior to the meeting.
For more information/updates follow:
Facebook: Center Point Young Adults 
*If you are married we have age-appropriate connection group options. Please contact Derek Newbery to connect to a group.

Follow us on social media.

College Group:

Young Adult Group: