March 5

Numbers 19:1-21:35

Where is Jesus in the Old Testament? Since Jesus is the eternal Son of God, he is all over the pages of the Bible as it all points to him. He is there even when he is not named. We see Jesus creating at the beginning of Genesis, we see Jesus talking with the Father and Spirit as they create humanity, we most likely see Jesus as the Angel of the Lord at various moments, and we see him in today's reading as well. You may be wondering if you missed that part of the reading. 1 Corinthians 10:3-4 tells us, "They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ." It seems bizarre, but what this passage is saying is the rock from which the water flowed, was Jesus. Obviously, the rock was not actually Jesus, but Jesus is the one from whom the life giving water flowed. He was the source of the water and the source of sustaining the life of the Israelites.

They did not see Jesus, but he was there. In the same way in our lives, we may not see Jesus, but he is there. We may feel alone, we may feel rejected, we may feel unloved, but these are simply lies. Jesus loves us, sustains us, and is with us.

Father God, thank you for your Son. Thank you for His life, death, and resurrection on Earth, and thank you for His work before he came to Earth. Thank you for your love, the love of the Son and the Spirit. Amen.

What causes you to doubt God's presence and love? How can you replace these lies with truth?

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