February 24
Leviticus 23:1-25:23
Sleep is a wonderful gift from God. It is potentially the only time when our body, mind, and emotions can rest. If you struggle with sleep, you understand just what a gift it is. God's desire is that we would experience rest not only when we sleep but throughout our day. Leviticus reminds us about the times of rest that were commanded by God under the Old Covenant law. Every Saturday was a Sabbath and a day when rest was commanded. Also, during various feasts rest was demanded and every fiftieth year it was ordered as well. These were times when people were not to work; instead they were to intentionally remember they are not God.
We live in a culture of unceasing work and connection. Rest is hard to experience when our phones are glued to our hands and we feel the need to always be available. Yet through Jesus, rest is available to us. In the midst of a hurried world, Christ offers us deep, unending rest. We are told that all who are weary and burdened─those not experiencing rest─can come to Jesus to get rest. Jesus always offers rest to us. We do not have to wait for a certain day of the week, but Jesus makes available through the Spirit an abiding rest─the ability to know that we are not God, that we are not in control, but our loving Father is. What a gift to receive the rest of Jesus.
Father God, thank you for the gift of rest. Help me to remember my finitude and weakness and rest in your power and grace. Amen.
What keeps you from experiencing more of the rest that Jesus offers?
Sleep is a wonderful gift from God. It is potentially the only time when our body, mind, and emotions can rest. If you struggle with sleep, you understand just what a gift it is. God's desire is that we would experience rest not only when we sleep but throughout our day. Leviticus reminds us about the times of rest that were commanded by God under the Old Covenant law. Every Saturday was a Sabbath and a day when rest was commanded. Also, during various feasts rest was demanded and every fiftieth year it was ordered as well. These were times when people were not to work; instead they were to intentionally remember they are not God.
We live in a culture of unceasing work and connection. Rest is hard to experience when our phones are glued to our hands and we feel the need to always be available. Yet through Jesus, rest is available to us. In the midst of a hurried world, Christ offers us deep, unending rest. We are told that all who are weary and burdened─those not experiencing rest─can come to Jesus to get rest. Jesus always offers rest to us. We do not have to wait for a certain day of the week, but Jesus makes available through the Spirit an abiding rest─the ability to know that we are not God, that we are not in control, but our loving Father is. What a gift to receive the rest of Jesus.
Father God, thank you for the gift of rest. Help me to remember my finitude and weakness and rest in your power and grace. Amen.
What keeps you from experiencing more of the rest that Jesus offers?
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