August 16

Nehemiah 11:1-12:26; 1 Corinthians 10:14-33; Psalm 34:11-22; Proverbs 21:14-16

We have sung a song a few times at church where one of the lines is: “Praise. Give him praise.” It speaks to the fact that God is worthy of our worship and praise. We see that emphasis scattered throughout our reading today. We see the example of the priests in Nehemiah who were assigned to “give praise and thanksgiving.” Then we see in 1 Corinthians that praise is not just something we do through music and singing, but can be done through all we do in our lives. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” In other words, we praise God through everything we do. When we eat, or fast, we can do it to praise God. When we work or are retired, we can do it to praise God. Every act of our lives can be done to praise God. It is proper for us to live this way because God is worthy of praise.

Psalm 34 gives us several reasons why God deserves our praise in all we do. First, God is with us. He is attentive to our prayers and our needs. Second, he is just. Though the world is currently in a state of injustice, Christ will return, and justice will finally and ultimately prevail. Third, God saves, redeems, and delivers those who call out to him. God meets our ultimate needs in forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life. So let us remember all that he has done and praise him with our lives.

Father God, you are the creator, sustainer, and glorious king of all. Help me to worship you through all that I do. May you receive the glory which you are due through my life. Amen.

Question of the day: How can you more intentionally live life with a praise perspective?

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