June 25

2 Kings 8:1-9:13; Acts 16:16-40; Psalm 143:1-12; Proverbs 17:26

Today’s readings brought my attention to two things. First, we witness Elisha predicting things about future events which all come true. God has proven again and again that in his omniscience he knows the future. I often tell our students there are about 3,000 prophecies in the Bible that have already come true. We serve this same God today. He knows the future and he knows us, so let us serve Him with awe and respect.

The second thought I had is the righteous at times will suffer. Paul and Silas are beaten; Elisha’s life was threatened; Israel’s sons, daughters, and young would suffer greatly; and Proverbs 17:26 states the innocent are sometimes fined and flogged unfairly. There may be times that we will suffer and be persecuted for our belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior. May we stand up for God and the truth of the Bible in all circumstances. May we not shrink back, but firmly trust in the God who loves and knows us, and knows everything else as well.

Father, may we not waiver in our confidence in you when things are good and when things are difficult. You are God and we praise you no matter what we endure.

Question of the day: How can we prepare to stand for God when we suffer rejection and isolation for our spiritual stands?

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