June 15

1 Kings 14:1-15:24; Acts 10:1-23; Psalm 133:1-3; Proverbs 17:7-8

Nature or nurture? This classic argument over what determines the way we live is thrown upside down by our reading today. We read of Israel and Judah’s quick descent into idolatry and then suddenly we are introduced to Asa. Despite being a product of idolatrous royalty he is “fully committed to the Lord all his life.” He is willing to make hard decisions like removing his grandmother from her position in the royal court because she refused to pursue God with her life. Out of his sinful environment he is willing to passionately pursue God.

Similarly, Acts 10 introduces us to Cornelius and Peter. One a Gentile Roman soldier and one a Jewish Christian. Cornelius seemingly would have been raised in an environment of emperor worship and pagan practices. In contrast, Peter was committed still to Jewish dietary laws and cultural customs. Yet out of these backgrounds, when God tells them to move into something new, they obey. Cornelius seeks out Peter and Peter, though initially unwilling, breaks with old covenant practices to enter into the new life of Christ. As we think about our own lives, we have to ask whether we do and believe the things we do because of our environment or due to the fact that it is the truth. We must learn to not simply conform but walk with Christ wherever he takes us. It may take us into uncomfortable situations, conversations, and relationships, and may cause us to break with traditions and routines, but we must faithfully follow Jesus wherever he takes us.

Question of the day: Where have you allowed tradition and cultural norms to lead rather than God’s Spirit?

God, my Father, help me to follow you wherever you lead. Help me not to live life out of routine or habit, but instead walk by faith and trust in you. Amen.

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