July 28

2 Chronicles 21:1-23:21; Romans 11:13-36; Psalm 22:1-18; Proverbs 20:7

God is faithful. We see that recounted again and again throughout the Bible, and hopefully, can testify about the same in our own lives as well. God’s faithfulness to Israel is repeated again and again. Despite their constant rebellion, idolatry, and sin, “nevertheless, because of the covenant the Lord had made with David, the Lord was not willing to destroy the house of David. He had promised to maintain a lamp for him and his descendants forever.” Even when the response of Israel was unfaithfulness, God remained faithful.

This faithfulness is spotlighted in Romans 11. Already when Paul was writing this letter, the vast majority of Israelites had chosen to reject Christ as their Messiah. When the number of Gentiles was increasing in the church, people began to wonder what God’s plan was for Israel. Was he still going to be faithful to his promises to them or had he moved on from them? Paul’s answer is that God always has and always will remain faithful to his promises. “And so all Israel will be saved…for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.” No matter our waywardness, God will always remain faithful.

There may be moments like David in Psalm 22 where we question whether God is faithful. Our circumstances are so horrific that it becomes extremely difficult to see what God is doing, but even in the darkness, David looks back to what is true. God is still enthroned, and he will always be faithful to respond to his people. So, let us continually lean on a God who is faithful to his word and respond by seeking to be faithful to the only One who is worthy of our lives, our praise, and our faith.

Father God, help me to trust you through all of life. Help me to always remember that you are faithful, dependable, and reliable. Help me to lean on you. Thank you that you always have been faithful to me and always will be. Amen.

Question: What causes you to question God’s faithfulness? How can you remember God’s character in these moments?

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