July 14
1 Chronicles 16:37-18:17; Romans 2:1-24; Psalm 10:16-18; Proverbs 19:8-9
Humility is an essential quality for a Christian. Our adoption into God’s family begins when we humble ourselves and acknowledge Christ as Savior and Lord. We not only become part of God’s family through humility, but this should be a standard characteristic of our lives. In 1 Chronicles 16-18 and Romans 2, we see two things that should lead us to humility. The first is the character of God. David saw God’s greatness and recognized that he was far more deserving of a beautiful home than David was. The more we see God for who he is the more this should cause us to walk in humility because there is only one God, and it is not us. Then in Romans 2, we see that a recognition of our sin should lead us to humility. Since we are imperfect sinners, we should allow God to be God and not take that position. Romans 2 speaks to elevating ourselves to the position of judge, but we can try to play God in so many ways. It is only when we see God and ourselves accurately, that we will learn to walk in humility. So let us have eyes to see the truth, there is only one God, and it is not us.
God, my Father, thank you for being God. Thank you that I can surrender all things to you and allow you to lead every area of my life. Help me to acknowledge and repent of my sin and receive the forgiveness that is only available through the work of your Son, and Spirit. Help me to walk in humility before you and others today. Amen.
Question of the day: What steps can you take toward greater humility today?
Humility is an essential quality for a Christian. Our adoption into God’s family begins when we humble ourselves and acknowledge Christ as Savior and Lord. We not only become part of God’s family through humility, but this should be a standard characteristic of our lives. In 1 Chronicles 16-18 and Romans 2, we see two things that should lead us to humility. The first is the character of God. David saw God’s greatness and recognized that he was far more deserving of a beautiful home than David was. The more we see God for who he is the more this should cause us to walk in humility because there is only one God, and it is not us. Then in Romans 2, we see that a recognition of our sin should lead us to humility. Since we are imperfect sinners, we should allow God to be God and not take that position. Romans 2 speaks to elevating ourselves to the position of judge, but we can try to play God in so many ways. It is only when we see God and ourselves accurately, that we will learn to walk in humility. So let us have eyes to see the truth, there is only one God, and it is not us.
God, my Father, thank you for being God. Thank you that I can surrender all things to you and allow you to lead every area of my life. Help me to acknowledge and repent of my sin and receive the forgiveness that is only available through the work of your Son, and Spirit. Help me to walk in humility before you and others today. Amen.
Question of the day: What steps can you take toward greater humility today?
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