July 13

1 Chronicles 15:1-16:36; Romans 1:18-32; Psalm 10:1-15; Proverbs 19:6-7

Worship is meant to be our whole lives but is often a concept that is relegated to an hour on Sunday mornings. Worship is meant to be the posture of our lives because of the greatness of God. All of our lives should be directed to God and lived in response to him. David crafts a song in 1 Chronicles 16 that focuses on responding to what God has done. He praises God for his revelation, his wonderful acts, his judgment, his covenants, the Promised Land, and creation. He ends the psalm by declaring that God is worthy of praise “from everlasting to everlasting.” Since God’s love never ends, neither should our praise.

Romans 1 becomes a warning of what happens when we fail to worship. If our lives are not shaped around God, then we will inevitably give our worship and our lives to something else. When we give ourselves to something other than God we will become less than what God wants for us. If we worship money, we will inevitably become covetous and greedy. If we worship sex and pleasure, we will become selfish and given over to sexual immorality. Worship may seem to be an abstract concept, but Paul clearly shows us that worship affects our lives. Our hearts are shaped by what we love, desire, pursue, and worship. So let us intentionally worship God and remind ourselves continually of his surpassing greatness.

God, my Father, I praise you. You are worthy of praise because of who you are and all that you have done for me and the world. Help me to always give you the thanks and praise that you deserve. Amen.

Question of the day: How can you more intentionally worship of God?

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