February 15

Numbers 7:1-89

The last time you attended a graduation ceremony you were probably sitting there waiting for one name to be called. The event may have seemed to drag on until that moment. At that second, the hours of wait and tedium all drifted away upon the name being announced. Our reading today may seem like the monotony of a graduation ceremony. The same description of gifts is repeated twelve times over a period of eighty verses. Yet behind the repetition is the worship of God. Each tribe had a day to come and bring their gifts to the tabernacle. Their assigned day provided their opportunity to come and worship God. Ronald Allen says, "Each of the gifts is relished, as presentations by a lover in the early days of the bliss of marriage." What seems tedious to us would have been of greatest delight to those who were involved in the event. For us it may just be words on a page, for them it was entering into the presence of God in worship.

As we consider the juxtaposition of our experience reading this chapter and that of the Israelites, may it encourage us to never let our worship become stale, boring, or monotonous. Let us always delight in drawing near to the God of the universe, being in awe that by grace through faith we can come to God and joyfully worship him in every setting, every day of our lives.

Father God, you are truly great and worthy of worship. May I daily live for your glory and fame. Help me to continually be in awe of you and delight in your glory and goodness. Amen. 

Has your relationship with God become stale? Why? How can you reignite your passion for God?

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