January 28

Job 32:1-34:37 

After Job has been hounded by three friends for an unknown amount of time, a fourth individual steps up to the plate to confront him. Elihu says he waited to speak because he was younger than the other men but once he begins to speak, he comes to a similar conclusion as the other friends. He believes he knows exactly what is happening behind the scenes of Job's life and what God is doing. As with the other three friends, his conclusions are completely wrong. He started with humility by not immediately speaking, but he ended in a pool of ignorance. Before we look down on Elihu too much, we may see our reflection in him.

Quickly, humility is extinguished by pride, and we begin to look down on others. We can think we have a monopoly on the truth and that everyone else is wrong. We need to be comfortable with not knowing everything and trust God in these areas. Even when it is something to which the Bible speaks directly, we need to exhibit one of the values of our church which is 'Truth with Gentleness.' We need to be quick to listen and slow to speak, and humble when we do speak.

Father God, you are God and I am not. Help me to walk in humility knowing that I am a mortal, sinful, errant person. Help me to respond to others with humility and always speak in love. 

Amen. What areas of life do you find yourselves interacting with others in pride rather than humility?

1 Comment

Joan - January 28th, 2025 at 5:42am

Derek-thank you for your words each day. I find it truly helpful as I read the one year chronological bible. God bless you.