February 9

Exodus 25:1-28:43

God is exacting about how someone approaches him. As we read through Exodus 25-28 today, we see the exact specifications for the place where the Israelites would meet with God (the tabernacle) and the dress of someone who would approach God (the priests). At different times in salvation history, the places where people met with God changed—from the garden, to altars, to the tabernacle, to the temple, and now everywhere. Despite God's changing specifications, people always approach God on the terms he has given to us. In Exodus it meant going through priests at the tabernacle. Today it means coming to God the Father through the finished work of Jesus.

There is no other means of coming to God other than that which he provided through his Son. We can be creative in the songs we sing, the ways we pray, but not in the means of approaching God. Our ability to have a relationship with God is based on his grace, his initiative, and according to his specifications. As Jesus said, "No one comes to the Father but through me" (John 14:6). Throughout the ages people have approached God through different externals, but always by grace through faith; and we must never take this for granted.

Father God, thank you that I can have a relationship with you by grace through faith. Help me to never take what you have done for granted. Amen. 

What does it teach you about God and people that we can only approach God based on his specifications?

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