February 11

Exodus 32:1-34:35

What verses do you think are repeated most throughout the Old Testament? Hint, it is found in our reading today. The most repeated verses are Exodus 34:6-7. I think it is the most quoted passage because it speaks of the character of God. Perhaps the most important thing about us is what we think of when we think of God. Do we picture him as a tyrannical ruler, a pushover, or the God of the Bible? When we think of God, we are not to create a version of him that make us feel good, or fits within our cultural values, but rather, matches how God has revealed himself.

In Exodus 34:6-7, God describes himself as compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, loving, and forgiving. The God of the universe cares for you. He is compassionate (feelings like a mother for her unborn child), gracious (treats us better than we deserve), and forgives all our repeated transgressions. God is also just, and for those who do not repent of their sins, they will be punished. Yet, notice this punishment/ justice/anger against sin is contrasted with the fact that God is slow to anger. God does not delight in punishment; rather, he longs for all to repent and experience his forgiveness. However, he will not let sin and evil stand forever. Let us embrace who God truly is.

Father God, thank you that you are a God of love, compassion, and forgiveness. I confess my sin and thank you that it has been dealt with on the cross and will be completely removed at Jesus' coming. Amen. 

What part of God's character do you find hardest to embrace? Why?

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