February 16

Numbers 8:1-9:14; Leviticus 1:1-3:17

Valentine's Day was a couple days ago. Some of you may have received some extravagant gifts, while others may feel disappointed in what you were given. One way, but not the only way, we show the degree of love we have for someone is in the quality of the gifts that we give. Today's reading begins with a description of the offerings which Israel was to bring to God under the old covenant law. Notice the comments which are made regarding the quality of the offerings they were to bring: "finest flour," "male without defect" and "animal without defect." The Israelites were not to bring leftovers, unwanted portions, or the unimportant; instead, they were to bring their best.

As we consider our worship of God, we must consider whether this is true of us as well. We are not bringing animals, but we are bringing ourselves, our time, our treasures, and our talents. As we worship God are we bringing the best of our focus, attention, time, and money? I attended a church service a few years ago where the pastor said we were not truly worshipping if we were not giving something to God. Worship was never meant to be a spectator sport but an activity that engages all that we are. So let us understand all we have is God's and learn to steward what he has given to us for his glory.

Father God, thank you for all the good gifts you have given to me. Help me to respond with generosity out of all the blessing you have given me. Help me to not put myself first─but put you and your glory first. Amen. 

Are you giving God your best? How can you more intentionally do this?

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