February 14

Exodus 39:32-40:38; Numbers 9:15-23

Upon the completion of the tabernacle, God manifested his presence among Israel in a visible, tangible way. God's glory dwelt among the people and the proof of this was a cloud. God has lived with his people throughout salvation history, but he revealed his presence in different ways, at different times. We see him in a burning bush, a pillar of fire, and here in a cloud.

Today in the church, God's presence is most evident through his Spirit, and the proof that he is with us is the fruit he produces in our lives. He shows that he is with us as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control pour out of us. There is no cloud (or halo) hanging over our heads, but God's life is to flow out of us in tangible ways for the world to see. If we do not see the fruit, that does not mean he is not there; but as we see it, we can praise God for how he is working out his life in and through us.

Father God, thank you that you are with me. Thank you that through the Holy Spirit you dwell in me. Help me to recognize the Spirit's presence and live out of his power in a way that makes you known. Amen. 

What causes you to doubt God's presence in your life? How can you better know and trust that he is with you?

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