February 21

Leviticus 14:33-16:34

Entering the presence of God is not to be done lightly. In fact, only one person, one time a year was able to enter God's presence as represented by the Most Holy Place. For this individual (the high priest) to do so, they had to offer a bull, then a goat, wear the proper clothing, light a censer, prepare incense, and sprinkle blood on various parts of the tabernacle. What an exhaustive series of activities to enter the Most Holy Place, but at the same time, what an extravagant display of God's grace that he allowed anyone to enter his holy presence.

Today, through the sacrifice of Jesus, we can all draw near to God every day without jumping through a series of rituals. We now have a greater privilege than the Old Testament people of God because of a greater grace. Yet because of the easier access, we potentially take this opportunity and God's grace for granted. So, let us always remember what Christ has done for us, the great cost he paid, and the great grace that is available to us each day.

Father God, thank you that I can draw near to you because of Jesus' sacrifice. Help me to always remember the cost that was paid for my forgiveness. Help me to live in a way that reflects what Jesus did for me and never take it for granted. Amen. 

Why are we prone to take God's grace and the ability to draw near to God for granted?

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