February 22

Leviticus 17:1-19:37

We are all prone to walling off areas of our life and not allowing God to speak into them. The same was true for the Israelites. In many areas they sought to live according to their own desires rather than conforming to God's commands. This led to the necessity for God to instruct his people regarding sex. We have already seen the destruction that can occur through not heeding God's sexual instructions in the Bible. Abraham and Jacob both had families marked by dysfunction in large part due to their disobedience in this area.

It is not hard to see the same dysfunction in our own culture. Much of the instability, heart ache, and even poverty in our world (though not all) is a result of failing to heed God's instruction in this area. Our culture claims that as long as it does not hurt anyone, and if sex is consensual, it is perfectly appropriate behavior. However, the broken lives of our society prove this is not true. Abundant life always comes from obeying God and not from putting our momentary, fleeing pursuit of pleasure first. As a church we are going to have to swim against the tide of our culture in this area. We may be ridiculed and questioned for our stance, but following God is always worth it.

Father God, I confess that I have not always conformed to your holy standards around sex. Thank you for the forgiveness that you offer and help me to pursue holiness and purity moving forward. Amen.

If you were talking to someone who did not respect the Bible, how would you argue for a Christian sexual ethic (that sex is to be reserved for a one man-one woman marriage)?

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