February 18

Leviticus 7:1-8:36

As we read through a series of offerings, which thankfully we do not have to continue to make, one of the most interesting offerings is the fellowship offering. All the other offerings were commanded while the fellowship offering was given freely. When the people sinned, they had to make an offering, they did not have a choice. On specific days (Passover, etc.) the people were commanded to make sacrifices and did not have an option. But at any time, someone could acknowledge the good things which God had done for them and respond with a fellowship offering. This action was a voluntary response.

Similarly, you may feel like much of the Christian life is demanded of you. You need to join in corporate worship on Sundays, you need to meditate on God's Word daily, you need to pray regularly, and there may be other habits which you feel like you are commanded to do. But when is the last time you responded to God's goodness with a spontaneous (or planned) expression of thanks. For the Israelites it was to bring meat and bread, but for you, what could that look like? How could you respond to God's extravagant grace and goodness by doing something for him? May we continuously respond to God’s grace and goodness by overflowing with joyful generosity and thanks for all he has done.

Father God, thank you for your abundant grace and goodness toward me. Help me to respond to all that you have done for me by being generous with what I have. Amen. 

How can you respond to God's goodness in a spontaneous way today?

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