December 15

Micah 1:1-4:13; Revelation 6:1-17; Psalm 134:1-3; Proverbs 30:1-4

People can often be superstitious. They watch their favorite sports team wearing the same shirt and sitting in the same chair as they did the week before, thinking that will provide victory. In Romania, many people will walk into a church on Sunday mornings and immediately walk out but believe that God will now bless them. These strange ideas are not new.

Micah points out the sins of Judah and says in 1:5, “What is Jacob’s transgression? Is it not Samaria? What is Judah’s high place? Is it not Jerusalem?” Part of their sin was having transformed their religious places and ceremonies into things that ceased to be about God. They continued many of the practices but lost the heart behind them. They continued worship services but ceased to worship God. They had transformed activities that were supposed to be about God into superstitious rituals. Similarly, the prophets, seers, and diviners had long since stopped hearing from God but instead told the people what made them feel good. Truth was traded for feel-good nonsense.
Revelation 6 describes the destiny of those who oppose God whether in outright rebellion or superstitious, superficial religion. They will find themselves reaping the judgment and wrath of God. Following God may lead to suffering, persecution, or even death, but it grants us eternal life. So, let us rip off everything that is keeping us from closeness with God and learn to embrace the true praise described in Psalm 134.

Father God, help me to pursue you and praise you alone. Help me to repent of superficial, superstitious religion in my life and replace it with loving and praising you. Amen.

Question: Where do you see superficial, superstitious religion replacing an authentic relationship with God in your life?

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