December 29

Zechariah 14:1-21; Revelation 20:1-15; Psalm 148:1-14; Proverbs 31:8-9

The Bible ultimately tells one story. 66 books that all tell the same tale. They speak of a loving God who wants to dwell with and rule over his people. This is our hope and this is the future of God’s people to live with God forever.
Zechariah points us to this reality when he speaks of the day when “The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name.” There are currently as many rulers as there are people. Some people are ruled by money, power, pleasure, prestige, or any number of pursuits, but a day will come when all these false rulers will be stripped away and only God will remain. On this day all opposition will be eradicated, and God’s blessings will flow unending upon his people.

Revelation 20 speaks of this same time. It shares about the final rebellion against God and how all the opposing armies will be destroyed when “fire came down from heaven and devoured them.” There will be an impressive host surrounding Jerusalem but in an instant, they will be no more. Then these rebels will be paraded before God and will be judged at his white throne. As in Zechariah, all that will remain is God and his people.
These future realities should cause us to live in light of them today. Christ is king and our lives should presently be lived in submission to him. We should live for him alone and allow him to rule over our lives today since he will be reigning over us for all eternity.

Father God, thank you for being my king. Help me to live surrendered to you. Amen.

Question: How could you live more surrendered to Christ’s reign over your life?

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