December 23

Zechariah 4:1-5:11; Revelation 14:1-20; Psalm 142:1-7; Proverbs 30:21-23

God chooses to do his will through sinful people like us. He created Adam and Eve to work in his garden and he has chosen to accomplish his purposes through people ever since. Whether through priests, prophets, kings, or ordinary people, God almost always chooses to work through his creation. So, it is up to us to make ourselves available to him.

As Zechariah is given a series of visions he is shown the person of Zerubbabel. God chose to work through this individual to rebuild the nation of Israel and the temple. He would be used by God to place the capstone, the foundation, and complete the temple. God could have built the temple out of nothing like he created the world but instead chose to work through people who made themselves available to him.

In Revelation 14 we are introduced to 144,000 people who do exactly this. They are committed to God in such a radical way that he places his name on their foreheads. In contrast to this minority are those who will receive the mark of the beast and choose to rebel against God. Every person can choose to be a vessel used for God’s glory or their short-sighted pursuits. So, let us choose this day who we will serve and who we will be used by.

Father God, help me to make myself available for your purposes and your glory. Amen.

Question: How can you make yourself more available to God’s purposes and for him to work through?

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