December 20

Haggai 1:1-2:23; Revelation 11:1-19; Psalm 139:1-24; Proverbs 30:15-16

One of the most amazing doctrines in Scripture is that God is present with his people. Psalm 139:8 says, “If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.” How amazing to know that God is present with us through all circumstances of life.

Like all theological truths, this should impact the way we live. Haggai points out that the returned exiles from Babylon had prioritized themselves rather than God. They had built themselves comfortable homes but refused to begin God’s house, the temple. The temple was meant to be a symbol of God’s dwelling amongst his people, and it was as if in failing to build, the people had failed to acknowledge God. Yet God reminded the people multiple times that “I am with you.” Whether we recognize God being with us or not, he is. He now dwells with us through the Holy Spirit.

Since he is with us, we should live for him and live with him. We should walk in his power and presence seeking to glorify him in all we do. Since we are never alone Psalm 139 tells us that we can be assured that God will always lead and guide us. We can further have peace because God is with us. Even if everything gets stripped away from us, God will never leave us. What joy it should bring to know that God is present with us and always will be.

Father God, thank you that you are with me. Help me to live aware of your presence, power, and guidance in my life. Amen.

Question: How should God’s presence transform your mindset?

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