December 17

Nahum 1:1-3:19; Revelation 8:1-13; Psalm 136:1-26; Proverbs 30:7-9

How quickly the powerful fall. Super Bowl winners quickly become last-place teams, powerful CEOs are sent packing, and impressive nations collapse. We need to understand that our success is based not on our accomplishments but on the grace and power of God.

Nahum is writing roughly 140 years after Jonah. Nineveh repented of their sin and was spared the judgment prophesied against it. Yet Nahum shows that though the judgment was delayed they have returned to their sin and must be dealt with. The powerful city would fall at the hands of God. Nahum proclaimed, “Woe to the city of blood, full of lies, full of plunder, never without victims!” What looked impressive to the world was seen by God as a cesspool of wickedness and a recipient of his judgment. How quickly the powerful would fall. Revelation 8 shows even more clearly the full judgment of God. The nations of the world rely on themselves but when God’s wrath falls upon them, none can stand. A third of the world’s vegetation will be burned up, a third of the salt water turn to blood, a third of freshwater will turn bitter, and a third of the light will turn to darkness. As in Nahum 3:1, Revelation 8:13 proclaims woe upon the enemies of God.

God’s judgment falls upon those who oppose him while those who turn to him reap his love. As Psalm 136 repeats multiple times, “His love endures forever.” God longs to embrace his creation with his love but only for those who turn to him. God desires to lift the humble while bringing the proud and powerful down low. So let us fall into his arms and experience his love and grace today.

Father God, thank you for your power and love. Help me to walk in humility before you. Amen.

Question: How can you walk in greater humility before others and especially before God?

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