November 28

Daniel 5:1-31; 2 Peter 2:1-22; Psalm 119:113-128; Proverbs 28:19-20

Judgment is coming. We may want to plug our ears and pretend that it’s not, but when Christ comes back on the Day of the Lord, he will bring both deliverance and judgment, wrath and salvation. So, are you and those around you ready?

Daniel was blunt in his assessment of what was coming to Belshazzar. “God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.” Then that very night his life was put to an end. Judgment befell him on that night but ultimately, he still awaits his final judgment at the end of time. He will join the false prophets, fallen angels, those overcome by the flood, those in Sodom and Gomorrah, and all the unrighteous described in 2 Peter 2 who lived in opposition to God. All these people are headed to “swift destruction…condemnation…judgment…[will be] caught and destroyed,” and “paid back with harm.” Everyone who has not placed their faith in Christ is headed for this very same destiny. Judgment is coming. So, are you and those around you ready?

At the same time, “the Lord knows how to rescue godly men.” Christ’s return will bring glory, salvation, and paradise to all who have trusted in him. So, no matter the world around us we can continually choose to live for Christ and eternity. Some will head to hell and others to eternity with our Savior, so, are you and those around you ready?

Father God, help me to live according to the salvation I have in Christ and make him known to those who are currently headed to judgment. Amen.

Question: How should the future reality of salvation and judgment affect the way you live?

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