December 28

Zechariah 12:1-13:9; Revelation 19:1-21; Psalm 147:1-20; Proverbs 31:1-7

Our culture talks a lot about purity, but it is mostly relegated to food and the environment. We have long ago discarded the ideas of moral purity and instead talk about whether a food is organic, whole, or pure, or has lots of ingredients and chemicals added to it. Yet God is not concerned about the foods we eat but about what is in our hearts.

Zechariah once again looks forward to the coming of Jesus, a little over 500 years from his lifetime, and speaks about what Christ will bring. He says in 13:1 that on the day Christ was pierced, “a fountain will be opened to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity.” Notice it is through the death of Jesus that we can be made pure. That we can have all our moral impurity removed so we can be made clean. Revelation 19 takes us before God’s throne and we see what the pure people of God look like. We are told that they are dressed in “fine linen, bright and clean” which speaks of the cleansing which God has accomplished. We have been made pure but must live in a way that reflects our identity. We are to think pure thoughts, live pure deeds, and walk in righteousness. We will continually be tempted to give in to the ways of the world as King Lemuel’s mother taught him but when we remember the superior ways of Christ we will learn to walk in purity and righteousness.

Father God, thank you for making me pure and righteous. Help me to live in ways that reflect who you have made me. Amen.

Question: How can you live in a way that better reflects the fact that Christ has made you pure?

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