December 1

Daniel 8:1-27; 1 John 2:1-17; Psalm 120:1-7; Proverbs 28:25-26

We are in a spiritual battle. We may look around and think that everything is fine, but behind the comforts we find solace in, there is a war. We are participants in a war that has been going on since the beginning of human history.

Daniel’s vision allowed him to see a glimpse of the spiritual realities around him. His vision of a ram and goat is explained as a description of history. It began with the kings of Media and Persia but took him to the still future rebellious king/Antichrist who “will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes.” This warfare motif could cause us to think that we need to fight with the military tools of our world, but John describes the way that Christians are to conduct warfare.

John tells us that the evidence of our faith or the proper conduct for those in a spiritual battle is to walk in repentance, obedience, Christ conformity, and love. These are not the weapons we think of when we think of fighting a battle, but this is the way that God calls us to live. We are to continually take off the values of the world and replace them with the things of God. We are to resist the allure of temporal, material possessions to embrace the greater realities of God. We are to arm ourselves with love for others rather than the anger, hatred, and violence of the world.

So, as you go about your day, remember the environment you are living in (amidst a battle) and remember the way you are to live (with the character of Christ).

Father God, open my eyes to see as you see. Help me to be prepared through your Spirit to do your work amidst the spiritual battle that is going on in and around me. Amen.

Question: How should a wartime mentality change your priorities?

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